Agent Commission Split Plan (Purchase/Sale)
Purchase/Sale Transactions w/Client Lead from Okonya & Associates:
77/23 Commission Split (Agent retains 77%);
$300 per transaction fee + FMLS fee (when applicable)
Residential and Commercial purchase & sale transactions
Purchase/Sale Transactions w/Client Lead from Agent or NOT from Okonya & Associates:
82/18 Commission Split (Agent retains 82%)
$300 per transaction fee + FMLS fee (when applicable)
Residential and Commercial purchase & sale transactions
Agent Commission Split Plan (Lease)
Lease Transactions w/Client Lead from Okonya & Associates:
80/20 Commission Split (Agent retains 80%);
$35 per transaction fee + FMLS fee (when applicable)
Residential and Commercial leases
Lease Transactions w/Client Lead from Agent or NOT from Okonya & Associates:
85/15 Commission Split (Agent retains 85%)
$35 per transaction fee + FMLS fee (when applicable)
Residential and Commercial leases